Sunday, August 14, 2016

Giant Tuna off New Hampshire

The Kodiak out of Wentworth in Rye slayer their second bluefin tuna of the year this week. I can't wait to get out there with them next week!
835 pounds
The first one was caught by a 72 year old!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Tuna Fishing New Hampshire

Congratulations to Dick D slaying this 100 inch Tuna at 74 years old! Nice work Mike and Garth on the Kodiak!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Schoolie Stripers

Catching striped bass on light tackle and 8/9 weight fly rods is always a good time!
Paul Gozzo

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Paul Gozzo slams Mutton and Hog Snapper

I'm certainly far from excellent at free diving but I love it none the less and slammed these guys recently.

Paul Gozzo, Bahamas, mutton snapper, hog fish, lobster